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Viser 2721–2730 av 3172 treff.
  • Video transcription Kanako Fukada

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...explored the hole and the right hand, put the cylinder into the hole touched by the left hand in order Here is a video of a four-year-old playing with shape discrimination. Teacher says circle, triangle ...
  • Video transcription Isabelle Berget, Jorunn Ytrehorn Wiik

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...the letters that the student had learned. He needs to read letters in a wide range of contexts in order to automate decoding. The task was to find the letter on the overlay, decode the letter and say the ...
  • Togetherness in Play and Learning -Special Needs Education in Mainstream Settings

    30.08.2021 | Bok/hefte

    ...anthology for free in pdf format. If you want to buy the collection of articles in printed form, you can order it from Flisa Trykkeri (e-mail), which will print it for you (so-called "print on demand"). The price ...
  • Video transcription Kanako Fukada

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...explored the hole and the right hand, put the cylinder into the hole touched by the left hand in order Here is a video of a four-year-old playing with shape discrimination. Teacher says circle, triangle ...
  • Video transcription Isabelle Berget, Jorunn Ytrehorn Wiik

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...the letters that the student had learned. He needs to read letters in a wide range of contexts in order to automate decoding. The task was to find the letter on the overlay, decode the letter and say the ...
  • Video transcription Lisanne Aardoom, Anne Bottenheft

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...together construct an orange coloured chip. From the 15th of December, 2020, people were able to order the game, Schip Ahoy, in our web shop. LISANNE: We hope we gave you a comprehensive but concise presentation ...
  • Statped apper

    03.07.2017 | App

    Her finner du alle apper utviklet av Statped. Statped utvikler apper til både iOS og Android.  Her finner du oversikt over disse: Statped apper på iOS Statped apper på Android Statped ...
  • Teknologi for å inkludere elever som bruker ASK

    22.09.2017 | Video

    På Askøy har de lykkes med det som mange kommuner strever med. Brage (13) har ikke verbalspråk og bruker øyestyring for å kommunisere. Noe annet enn full inkludering i ordinær klasse har aldri vært tema ...
  • Tilrettelegging for samspill

    13.09.2018 | Veileder

    Det tidlige samspillet mellom voksne og barn danner grunnlaget for språklig utvikling. Samspillet skjer naturlig for de fleste voksne. Men overfor noen barn trenger man en bevisstgjøring om dette samspillet ...
  • Vi er laget - en film om samarbeid

    13.12.2023 | Kapittel

    ...ulike aktørene utfyller hverandre er viktig. PP-tjenesten er en sentral samarbeidspart både for skole og Statped. I denne filmen møter du Solveig som jobber i PP-tjenesten i Ålesund. Hun jobber tett med alle ...